duties of an executor

Duties of an Executor

Episode 4: Louisville probate attorney Scott Scheynost will discuss issues related to a common question, “What Happens When You’re Appointed as an Executor?”  This is an honor that carries serious responsibility.  There’s a lot to consider.  Scott will provide 5 important tips to help you fulfill your duties of an executor. What Is an Executor? When someone dies, assuming they …

Louisville wills and probate attorney Scott Scheynost

Louisville Wills and Probate

Episode 1:  You know Louisville attorney Scott Scheynost as a workers’ compensation and injury lawyer.  However, an important part of his practice involves Wills and Probate issues.  In today’s episode, Scott will discuss some basic documents people should have and why they’re important. When live changes occur, it’s important for people to consider either creating or updating documents such as …